Ravenswood City School District
Professional Development
MMAP seeks to provide RCSD staff the necessary training to provide students with critical Visual And Performing Arts and Science Technology Engineering Art and Math skills for them to thrive.
Currently, RCSD does not offer arts education to middle school youth district-wide. MMAP serves as a resource to the district as it identifies, prioritizes, and installs state- of-the-art resources. MMAP designs monthly professional development workshops for art teachers, addressing Common Core State Standards, Art Disciplines and English Language Development. As of 2014, 93% of students in the district are primarily Spanish speaking, and 2,164 of the students in Grades K-8 are English Learners. In consultation with Stanford’s School of Education, School of Design, and Center for Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity, MMAP is designing and establishing innovative ways to embed STEAM learning through participation in the Visual and Performing Arts.